Kristina, 45 y.o., Italy, Milan
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Main info
First name: Kristina
Age: 45
Location: Italy, Milan
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Weight: 66kg
Height: 168cm
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Blonde
Body type: Average
Smoking Frequency: Never
Drinking Frequency: Never
Sleeping habits: Does not matter
With information:
Italian 5 (Fluent)
English 5 (Fluent)
Russian 5 (Fluent)
Marital status: Divorced
Want children: Yes
Do you agree to move ?:
I agree to stay in my city
I agree to move inside my country
I agree to move to another country
Your priorities in life:
Family, long-term relationship
Stability, safety
What do you think about travelling and meeting expenses: I am not ready to pay
Education: Graduate degree
What religion do you practice?: Orthodox
Age: 37 - 50
Country: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Former CIS, North America, Australia
Weight: 61.29 - 90.8 kg
Height: 168 - 193 cm
Eye colour: Any
Hair colour: Any
Is it okay if they have children?: Yes
Body type: Slender, Average, Muscular, Thin, Athletic
Smokes: Occasionally
Drinks: Occasionally(Socially)
Ethnic Preference: White/Caucasian, East Indian, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander, South American

Responses to some questions

How would you describe yourself?
N.B. Please, read carefully, before you start to make me questions, while answers already here for you......Show me respect and interest, if you want to be answered at all !!!
Thank you and good luck !
I am real person and I'm living in Milano , I'm citizen of Italy , I'm Russian. Single , no kids.
I am adventurous, drama free, easy going, cheerful, determined, classy, honest & loyal, secure about myself, fun loving, witty, genuine, caring, compassionate, and open minded Lady with strong morals and values. I'm also sensitive , very romantic, loving and tender. I have self respect and respect for others. I give what I pretend. I love and lead a healthy lifestyle : Healthy food, without harmful habits. Love to enjoy life and have fun.
 I love to laugh & make others laugh. I enjoy movies, especially comedy , conversations or just cozy relaxing by the fireplace , maybe with a glass of great wine & a sweet romantic companion. Adore going to concerts ,live music show, day trips and weekend getaways for spa resort or just hiking in mountains or sea side fun. Traveling other countries. I love roof down drives on a beautiful day, seeing the fall foliage in autumn or snowing in winter with a fun easygoing romantic person ( hand-in-hand & kissing is must) , walks on the beach, or bicycle ride or horse ride in the mountains or forest... Enjoy a wonderful day, relaxing in my garden in a cozy hammock, reading a book, or playing with my dog or caring for flowers. Picnic on the beach with good wine, admiring the sunset .
Camping & hiking. Love handcraft, decoupage, creativity.
Fashion and shopping, flowers, nature and animals.
Shabby Chic & Provance design's Big Fan and lover.
Love, laugh, peace, harmony oriented.
Zodiac sign: Libra & Horse.

✓ I'm looking only for serious relationship with educated ,honest, loyal, tender, romantic, family and healthy tradition & values oriented , generous, easy going, fun loving, respectful, loving Gentleman /Soulmate/Love of Life with Christian or Non religion at all, preferably no smoking and anyway accepting, follow or if not -than at least respect my healthy life style an my personality as I will do for you.
Some special person ,who speaks English or Italiano . I don't know other languages !
A Gentleman From :
Europe ,USA ,Canada ,New Zeland, Italy only !!!!
Don't waste nobodies time please.
✓ So, if you are :
not single, not oriented to create a valuable long-term relationship in love and loyalty , and just pretend miracles without doing nothing to deserve it, or give anything back ,
if you are out of Age frame 37 - 50 !!!!!!!!! ,
if you are Muslim religion or from Islamic country !
or Not Gentleman's Mannered,
you have No Photos ,
If you looking only for free of charge "housekeeping , cooking & sex staff or mommy " at your service for your home - DON'T BOTHER ME AT ALL ,cos you are definitely not my cup of tea.
Cos I'm looking for a Gentleman, a Man to happily spend life with..
I will simply Not answer you at all and I will block you immediately....
✓ But if you are a real Gentleman I'm looking for - you more than welcome to try to become the King of my life.
How would you describe your ideal partner?
Lui è tenero e dolce,fedele ,molto generoso e amorevole,romantico, educato, con buono senso di umorismo, paziente, che si prende cura di me, allegro. Lui sogna di vevere la vita con la sua donna che ama e rispetta insieme, creare la famiglia e condividere questa felicita con i propri figli . Se lui ha figli gia - non è un problema. Apprezzo molto se non fuma e se ha tendenza di avere la vita sana ,o seriamente vuole almeno iniziarla - perche è una scelta molto saggia ... Non sono una ragazza da bottiglia di birra e sigarette - questo è sicuro. Odio il fumo.
** He is tender and sweet, faithful, sincerely generous, loving, romantic, polite, with good sense of humor, patient, who takes a good care of me, cheerful Gentleman . He dreams of lives his life with his wife who loves and respects together, create a a good family for to share this happiness with their children. If he has children already - it's not a problem- Important is that his kids becomes a happy part of his new family with me and not still number ones in his life . I appreciate very much if you do not smoke and if you have a tendency to have a healthy life, (IT WILL BE A BIG PLUS) or at least seriously want to start it - because it is a very wise choice to do it later or never ... I'm definitely NOT a girl for a "bottle of beer and cigarettes" treatment - that's for sure. I hate smoking. **
If you knew the world was going to end in 30 days, what would you do?
Fare un bunker super protetto e sopravivere insieme alle persone per me care e animali per il futuro e creare una razza umana da capo - senza errori stavolta   . Puo finire il mondo - ma non il mio ottimismo . Make a bunker for to hide and survive with my beloved ones and animals for to rise the beautiful humanity ones outside the planet is safe. The world can be destroyed - but not my optimism .  
If you had 10 million dollars to spare, what would you do with it?
1 millione regalo ai bimbi orfani . Resto spendo per me e per la mia futura famiglia. 1 million I will spend for poor homeless babies .The rest I will spend for me and my future family.
How often, and from whom do you ask advice?
Google . friends. people who riched their goals.
What quality do you value most in the people of your gender?
rispetto e senso di umorismo, intelligenza , riservatezza, lealtà. ** respect and sense of humor, intelligence, confidentiality, loyalty. **
What quality do you value most in the opposite sex?
serietà,generosità, honestà, responsabilità, senso di umorismo, lealtà, tenerezza , compassione, intelligenza.** seriousness, generosity, honesty, responsibility, sense of humor, loyalty, tenderness, compassion, intelligence.**
What is a recent prominent event in your life, and how has it affected you?
Ho realizzato il mio sogno - girato il mondo - o quasi. ** I realized my dream - traveled the world - or almost. **
What is the best advice that you give to your children?
Seguire la sua anima - seguire i suoi sogni . Sempre. **Follow their soul - follow their dreams. Always.
What has produced the biggest impression (shock) on you?
Incredibile , ma vero ! la causa principale e la cura del cancro è stata ufficialmente scoperta decenni fa da uno scienziato premio nobel per la medicina nel 1931 , ma la gente Continua a morire fino ad oggi nonostante ciò...
Quando la causa primaria del cancro era già conosciuta... Pochissime persone in tutto il mondo lo sanno, perché questo fatto è nascosto dall’industria farmaceutica e alimentare!!! Nel 1931 lo scienziato tedesco Otto Heinrich Warburg ha ricevuto il Premio Nobel per la scoperta sulla causa primaria di cancro.Proprio così. Otto ha scoperto che il cancro è il risultato di un potere anti-fisiologico e di uno stile di vita anti-fisiologico. Perché? Poiché sia con uno stile anti-fisiologico nutrizionale (dieta basata su cibi acidificanti) e l’inattività fisica, il corpo crea un ambiente acido (nel caso di inattività, per una cattiva ossigenazione delle cellule).L’acidosi cellulare causa l’espulsione dell’ossigeno. La mancanza di ossigeno nelle cellule crea un ambiente acido. Il fatto che basta mangiare sano e si puo vivere bene a lungo sembra non ha nessuna importanza nemmeno nel 2015 ... Che cosa è ? La selezione naturale ? ma di cosa poi ?? Probabilmente DELLA MENTE difettosa ... Gli alimenti che acidificano il corpo:

Lo zucchero raffinato e tutti i suoi sottoprodotti. (È il peggiore di tutti: non ha proteine, senza grassi, senza vitamine o minerali, solo carboidrati raffinati che schiacciano il pancreas). Il suo pH è di 2,1 (molto acido)
Carne. (Tutti i tipi)
Prodotti di origine animale (latte e formaggio, ricotta, yogurt, ecc)
Il sale raffinato.
Farina raffinata e tutti i suoi derivati. (Pasta, torte, biscotti, ecc)
Pane. (La maggior parte contengono grassi saturi, margarina, sale, zucchero e conservanti)
Caffeina. (Caffè, tè nero, cioccolato)
Tabacco. (Sigarette)
Antibiotici e medicina in generale.
Qualsiasi cibo cotto. (la cottura elimina l’ossigeno aumentando l’acidita’ dei cibi”)
Tutti gli alimenti trasformati, in scatola, contenenti conservanti, coloranti, aromi, stabilizzanti, ecc.
The last books that you read?
What are your goals now?
Vivere felice ed assieme ad un mio amato Uomo che mi ama . Raccogliere piu informazione utile e interessante possibile e trasmettere poi ai miei figli in futuro. **Live happyly together with my beloved Man who Loves me. Collect the most useful and interesting information as much as possible and then transmit it to my children in the future. **
Whom do you admire?
Anyone , who become Better version of itself than yesterday
Do you have a lot of friends?
What qualities do you dislike most in those of your gender?
False, superficial, envy , mean
What qualities do you dislike most in the people of the opposite sex?
vanità , stupidità, avarizia, noià , sindrome della vittima, pessimismo, bugiardo, "in ricerca della mammina" , ** vanity, stupidity, greed, boredom, the victim syndrome, paranoia, pessimism, liar, "little boy looking for a momy" , Arrogance, dishonesty, bad manners, madness, agressive tamper.
What would you like to change in yourself?
in ognuno di noi ci sono le cose che piaciono e che non piaciono a qualcuno ... il mondo è bello anche perche si puo scegliere ...
** in each of us there are things that someone like and dislike ... the world is beautiful also because you can choose ...
What are your weaknesses?
Depends .... For some one it can be actually opposite
What are your strengths ?
Honest, loyal, loving, caring, romantic, strong, determined, self-control, spiritual, charming, tender, fun lover
How do friends view you?
solare, sicura, simpatica - **solar, self-confident, sympathetic **
How do acquaintances view you?
seria , non da confidenza , intelligente - **serious, does not trust easily, intelligent**
What is your favourite food?
Amo il cibo di buona qualità . Carne , verdure , la frutta. Credo che in ogni cuccina di ogni paese del mondo ci sono piatti fantastici.
Comunque, sono quasi crudista. Maggiorparte del mio cibo è crudo. Come madre natura lo creato.
**I love good quality food. Meat, vegetables, fruit. I believe that in every Cusine of every country in the world there are fantastic dishes. **
However, I am on the way to healthy life a so half or more of my each plate is Raw food , vegetables and fruits.
What are your favourite films?
Adoro Commedie,film intelligenti , fantascenza, romantici, film -scene tipo Signore degli Anelli , Hobbits, Van-Helsing , Avatar etc..
** I love comedies, intelligent films, science fiction, romantic, scene films like Lord of the Rings, Hobbits, Van-Helsing etc..**
What is your favourite fairy-tale?
Sigore degli Anelli - Lord of the Rings
Games of thrones
What is your favourite activity or hobby?
sport, cinema, internet, guardare un bel film anche a casa, passeggiare nella natura, giocare con animali, giardinaggio ,viaggiare,concerti musicali, andare a cena in un restaurante . ** sports, cinema, internet, watch a good movie at home, walking in nature, playing with animals, gardening, travelling, music concerts, dinner in a restaurante. **
What is your dream job?
aprire il mio agriturismo - ** open my farm ranch with bed&breakfast service **
Tell us about your dream partner.
Deve amare le cose che amo io o almeno condividere più della meta. Non credo che gli opposti si attraggano. Io credo fortemente che proprio le persone con i stessi gusti e valori stanno bene e a lungo insieme. nella vita ci sono già troppi sacrifici - non complichiamo pure la vita di coppia!
** He must love the things that I love, or at least share more than half of that . I do not believe that opposites attract. I strongly believe that the people with the same tastes and values are made for stay happily together forever . in life there are already too many sacrifices - let's not complicate the couple's life! **
Where do you want to live?
nel verde comunque - non amo le grande città. - **in green anyway - I do not like big cities. **
Do I enjoy grocery shopping?
I really enjoy it
How often do I like to go out?
Once a week
Do I enjoy dining out?
I love it
When it comes to TV
Opt for a movie
When it comes to money
I spend some and I save some
Describe myself at a party as a
Social butterfly
Keep my space
It's spic and span
Ideally I would like to live in a
cottage in the country
Do I enjoy gardening?
I love gardening
Do I enjoy other types of Shopping?
I was born to it
Do I enjoy cooking?
I have to cook
Preference for pets
Don't have but like Cats, Dogs, Birds, Rodents
What type of television programs do I enjoy watching most?
Sci-fi, Nature/wildlife, Films, Educational, Comedy, Cartoons, Action/Adventure
I enjoy spending free time
Doing something athletic, Curling up with a good book, Having lunch with a friend, Doing absolutely nothing, Shopping, Puttering in the garden, Visiting a museum or gallery, Catching up on household chores, Pursuing a hobby, Watching TV or a movie, Having a snack, Taking a walk, Among friends, In nature, Dancing in night clubs, Browsing the Internet, With family, Playing with my pet, Napping, Taking a class, Playing on the computer, Doing additional work
Activities that I enjoy
Biking, Camping, Hiking, Dancing, Swimming, Walking, Aerobics, Boating/sailing, Skiing/snowboarding, Horse riding
Forms of entertainment that I enjoy
Concerts, Dinner parties, Fashion events, Fine dining, Movies, Pop music, Rock music, Poetry, Reading, Surfing the web, TV Educational/news, TV Entertainment, Wine tasting
Other hobbies or interests
Antiques, astrology, cars, cats, computers, crafts, dogs, family/kids, gardening, home improvement, investing, philosophy/spiritual, photography, shopping, social cause/activism, travelling, yoga